Gotta do this one quick cause I've got food in the oven and I'm getting ready etc. The story behind it, in the briefest terms possible, stems from a conversation me and my good friend John had the other day, whilst heading for a quiet beer at Belushi's. In the midst of our chinwag, we stumbled across the magical British sitcom that is, Men Behaving Badly, as John recited the episode where Gary, who is supposed to be going home for a meal with his girlfriend Dorothy, ends up getting pissed at the pub with Tony instead. Classic male behaviour, which we feared we may be tempted to emulate (only we were trying to not go out for the sake of university work, not the love of a woman). Anyway, I started watching it again from scratch and the theme tune has been stuck in my head ever since. I haven't managed to find out who plays it yet, but if I do, I'll be sure to come back and edit them a mention in somewhere. So, without further ado, here's today's TOTD:

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