Just gonna do this one quick cause I've just got in the house, after a day of going out for peoples birthdays and not drinking etc. etc... tired to say the least. Anyway, I found out about this band because the critics have dubbed them 'the next big thing'. Famous last words for a lot of bands, to say the least. The band in question are The Vaccines, and this is the first and only track I've heard from them so far. It's right up my street, to be fair, so I may be blinded by personal bias, but I think that if they can bang out some more tunes like this one then there's no reason why the couldn't make a name for themselves. As for being 'the next big thing', I don't think I'd commit to them just on the basis of one song. Either way, The Vaccines have made it onto my radar, and I guess that's all that really matters in the boundaries of my little existence. So, without further ado, here's today's (technically yesterdays) TOTD:

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