"Unless you love someone, nothing else makes any sense."

- Edward Estlin Cummings

The day where millions of people across the world are united by love; I am, of course, talking about the world's singletons coming together to share the lack of reciprocated love in their lives.

There are two kinds of people who can be found on Valentine's Day: the singles & the couples, with the couples being so painfully together that they actually become one entity for the day. I have to admit, this year I am sitting on the singletons side of that very marketable fence, known as love, so you may begin to think that this could be a fairly biased account of such a day. But, I'm honest enough to acknowledge that all the negativity that us singletons bombard Valentine's Day with comes down to the simple fact that, without beating around the bush, it's pretty shit on this side of the fence; and anybody who tries to suggest otherwise is either a liar or a sociopath.

I've always believed that Valentine's Day is an opportunity for the retail companies to exploit the publics perception of 'love' for their own financial gain, brainwashing couples to try & prove their feelings for one another with gifts & pleasanties, based on some messed up social expectancy that seems to have been developed over the years. Having said that though, there really is something special about being with the one you love on Valentine's Day & there is no better feeling than sharing your love with someone & exercising your right to be romantic. Personally, I'm all about the romanticism; I've just got a thing for showing a woman how important she is & making her feel like the most amazing person in the world. It's like Hank Moody's old man says on Californication, '...there's not a woman that I've crossed paths with that I haven't fallen in love with, whether it was for ten minutes or ten years.' It's pointless trying to argue with it, I guess that's just who I am, unfortunately. I'd like to say that if I could be the young, slick, 'love them then leave them' kind of guy I would, but I don't think that's true either. It would seem I have too much respect for the ladies (guess that's a 'thank you very much' to you both, Mam & Dad). All that potential & no-one to share it with eh? Well, I guess you win some, you lose some.

Putting aside the above, today was actually a pretty straight forward day, really. I didn't have university, so at least my exposure to the Lovebug was fairly limited. I mostly occupied myself with university work, but was also reintroduced to an old friend, thanks to a certain Katy McSparron. The friend I speak of is none other than Naughty Dog's finest, Crash Bandicoot; the hero of my childhood videogame experiences. Katy has brought her PlayStation 2 down from home & along with a bunch of Singstar games was Mr Bandicoot himself. It's amazing how even after all these years, it's still one of the most addictive & entertaining games ever. It's certainly prompted me to perhaps revisit my childhood entertainment, with the likes of 'Nintendo' & 'Megadrive' also coming in to mind. Unfortunately, I believe that I may end up using CB as my replacement for alcohol in the coming weeks. The devil certainly makes work for idle hands...

After a day of pretty much staying in the 'anti-Valentine's Day' bubble, I eventually decided to go out & socialise with a few of the lads. This wasn't the best part of my night, but it was a good start. I ended up having a swift coke with the boys, while they exercised their right to indulge in a beverage of the alcoholic variety. Following a decent bit of socialising, we headed back to Waterside to call it a night.

I must confess, at this point, that I did have plans for the evening once we'd returned from our cheeky 'drink' in town (I used quotes for 'drink' because without alcohol, I'm not sure you can seriously call it that). On the preface that lonliness is a drink best shared between two, I'd made a pact with Ellen that we'd keep each other company to avoid sitting in our rooms & letting the inevitable 'Valentine's Day comedown' get the better of us. So I went over to hers at about half one in the morning & we did the usual 'stay up til silly o'clock in the morning & enjoy each others company' routine, as it had worked so well in the past. Without getting all sentimental, I think it was probably the best night we've spent together, cause we just had such a good laugh & it really took both our minds away from the reality of the day in general. I think it was nice to find ourselves, at the end of a day which promised disappointment, feeling happy with life & enjoying the overwhelming feeling of contentment that seemed to be surrounding us both.

In true cheesy, creepy, Valentine's Day fashion, it actually turned out to be a pretty good day after all...

- THD.

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