(Thursday, 17th February, 2011)

“Lazy days calling to you: 'Come out to play'… the future lies with you.”

- Robbie Williams

The day when nothing happened; that’s how I’d sum this one up.

I spent the entire day waiting for the plenary to come around at five o’clock. I did manage to use the time to work on my script for the Creative Project, which was relieving because the previous day’s attempts had certainly made me question my capabilities.

Finally, after transportation in the evermore familiar taxi service that is the Mellow Yellow Mobile, the five o’clock plenary had arrived; and what a waste of time it was. Having anticipated a good session of learning from another experienced writer, fate decided to deal me a set of cards that were definitely lacking in man-power. Instead of the enriching my life with some more fruitful knowledge about the literary world, they decided it would be a good idea to let a group do their Creative Project, which happened to be a mock-version of ‘one minute’, or something along those lines. ‘Money well spent’, I thought.

So after a day of disappointments, it was back home to work on some poetry for Friday’s seminar. I had to construct a ‘terza rima’ (that’s a type of poem, apparently) about an overwhelming vase. Random, I know, but such are the mysterious ways in which Mimi Thebo works.

Nothing much else to report unfortunately; here’s to tomorrow being a bit more fulfilling.


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